How to get dark mode for all websites in 3 easy steps?


In today’s digital age, where screens dominate our daily lives, optimizing the browsing experience has become paramount. One such innovation that has gained significant traction is dark mode. From social media platforms to web browsers, dark mode offers a visually appealing alternative to the traditional light interface. However, not all websites have a dark mode built-in such as on YouTube. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the realm of dark mode for all websites, exploring its benefits, implementation, and impact on user experience. And how you get dark mode on all websites with free and Open-Source browser extension.

Dark mode for all websites

Exploring the Appeal of Dark Mode

Dark mode, also known as night mode or dark theme, reverses the color scheme of websites, displaying light text on a dark background. This aesthetic shift not only enhances the visual appeal but also offers several practical advantages:

Reduced Eye Strain

One of the primary reasons users opt for dark mode is its ability to reduce eye strain, especially during extended periods of screen time. By minimizing the contrast between text and background, dark mode creates a more comfortable viewing experience, particularly in low-light environments.

Improved Battery Life

dark mode for all websites not only benefits your eyes but also your device’s battery life. On devices with OLED or AMOLED screens, dark mode consumes less power compared to the traditional light mode. The dark pixels require less energy, resulting in prolonged battery longevity, making it an eco-friendly choice.

Embracing Accessibility and Inclusivity

Accessibility is a crucial aspect of web design, ensuring that websites are usable by individuals of all abilities. dark mode for all websites plays a vital role in enhancing accessibility by catering to users with visual impairments, photosensitivity, or those simply seeking a more comfortable browsing experience. By offering dark mode as a customizable feature, website developers demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity and user-centric design.

Implementing Dark Mode Across Platforms

Dark mode for all websites with the free Turn Off the Lights browser extension
Dark mode for all websites with the free Turn Off the Lights browser extension

Browser Settings and Extensions

Many popular web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, offer built-in dark mode options. Users can activate dark mode for all websites by navigating to their browser settings and selecting the dark theme. Additionally, browser extensions such as Dark Reader provide a seamless dark mode experience across a wide range of websites, allowing for customization and fine-tuning.

How to Activate and Use Dark Mode Browser Extension?

For regular desktop internet users, you can also get this Night Mode version on your favorite web browser. That is with the Night Mode option in the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension. Follow the steps below on how to enable this free solution in your web browser:

  1. Download the Turn Off the Lights browser extension
  2. Click right on the gray lamp button and select Options in the menu item
  3. The Turn Off the Lights Options page shows up and select the tab Night Mode
  4. Enable here the Night switch or the long-press feature to activate the night mode on the current web page
YouTube video tutorial on how to enable the Night Mode feature

In addition, you can customize the website background, text, and hyperlink colors. So you can make it personal to your night theme style. And get the Dark Mode on website you want to see in your web browser.

Site Access (only to your chosen website URL)

Turn Off the Lights browser extension takes your privacy very seriously, and you set up this browser extension to only allow the website. Here are the steps on how to activate this feature.

  1. Open the chrome://extensions page and search for Turn Off the Lights
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
  1. Click on the button Details to open the detailed information about this Chrome extension
  2. Search for the section Site Access, and click on the selection box to the menu item “On specific sites
  1. A new popup panel shows up, and type now this URL in the text box “”
  1. When you are done, click on the blue Add button to close this panel
Free and Open-Source

The Turn Off the Lights browser extension is free and Open-Source. And it is available on all modern web browsers. That includes Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Yandex, Brave, Vivaldi, Naver Whale, Yandex, and Cốc Cốc.

Operating System Preferences

Beyond individual browsers, operating systems on desktop and mobile devices also offer dark mode settings. Whether you’re using Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android, you can enable system-wide dark mode to apply to supported applications and websites uniformly. This centralized approach ensures consistency across various online platforms, enhancing user experience and reducing visual fatigue.

The Impact on User Experience and Engagement

Enhanced Visual Contrast

dark mode for all websites offers improved visual contrast, making text and graphics stand out against the darker background. This heightened contrast not only enhances readability but also draws attention to important content, such as headlines, buttons, and calls-to-action. As a result, users are more likely to engage with the website and navigate its interface effortlessly.

Branding and Aesthetic Considerations

While dark mode offers numerous benefits, website developers must carefully consider its implementation in alignment with their brand identity and aesthetic preferences. Customizable dark mode themes allow brands to maintain visual consistency while providing users with flexibility. By incorporating brand colors and design elements, websites can deliver a cohesive and immersive browsing experience in dark mode for all websites.


In conclusion, dark mode for all websites offers a plethora of benefits, ranging from improved eye comfort to enhanced battery life and accessibility. By embracing dark mode, website developers can cater to the diverse needs of users while optimizing the browsing experience across platforms. Whether you’re browsing late at night or seeking a sleek and modern interface, dark mode provides a versatile solution that prioritizes user comfort and engagement.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about dark mode for all websites

How to get a dark mode for all websites with a free browser extension?

Install the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension, and enable in the Turn Off the Lights Options page the Night Mode feature. That will get you dark mode for all websites. And where you can customize the dark theme to your chosen dark background and text color.

How does dark mode reduce eye strain?

Dark mode reduces eye strain by minimizing the contrast between text and background, which reduces the amount of light emitted by the screen. This decrease in brightness is particularly beneficial in low-light environments, as it reduces the harshness of the light on the eyes, resulting in a more comfortable viewing experience.

Can I enable dark mode on my favorite websites?

Yes, many websites offer the option to enable dark mode either through their settings or through browser extensions. Popular web browsers also provide built-in dark mode options that can be activated to apply to all websites you visit.

Will dark mode affect website performance?

Dark mode typically does not significantly affect website performance. However, the impact may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the website design and the capabilities of the user’s device. In most cases, the difference in performance between light and dark modes is negligible.

Is dark mode suitable for all users?

While dark mode offers benefits such as reduced eye strain and improved battery life, it may not be suitable for all users. Some individuals may prefer the traditional light interface or may experience difficulties reading light text on a dark background. It’s essential to provide users with the option to choose their preferred mode based on their personal preferences and needs.

Can dark mode be customized to match my preferences?

Yes, dark mode can often be customized to match individual preferences. Many applications and websites offer settings that allow users to adjust aspects such as the darkness level, contrast, and color scheme of the dark mode interface. Customization options ensure that users can tailor their browsing experience to suit their specific preferences and visual comfort.

Are there any accessibility considerations for dark mode users?

Accessibility considerations are crucial for dark mode users, particularly those with visual impairments or sensitivity to light. Developers must ensure that dark mode maintains sufficient contrast between text and background to ensure readability for all users. Additionally, providing alternative color options or customizable settings can enhance accessibility and accommodate diverse user needs.

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About The Author

Stefan Van Damme