Choose your language!
Below you can choose between the worldwide 21 languages where you can read and discover our useful Turn Off the Lights software products for your computer, web browser and your mobile devices. Furthermore, our software does support 54 languages that are translated by our amazing translator community that lives all over the world. And take the time to get understandable information about the software product and the amazing features you can use on your personal computer. Here the complete list of all the support languages on our official Turn Off the Lights website.
This site in other countries/regions:
- Arabic
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- German
- English
- Greek
- Español
- Suomi
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- Français
- Hebrew
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- Korean
- Nederlands
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- Português (Europeu)
- Romanian
- Ру́сский
- Slovenian
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- Swedish
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- Vietnamese
- 简体中文
- 中文 (繁體)
If you have a question, suggestions, or need help, do not hesitate to contact us on this official support page. We are happy to assist you. So you can experience a unique and amazing web experience like never seen before on your computer. That from the simplicity to the coherent with the multimedia elements you loved. Furthermore, we take all feedback very seriously and want to resolve all the problems. So you get the best web, desktop, and mobile experience.