Changelog Firefox
9 February 2025 v4.5.7- Fixed YouTube search panel
19 December 2024 v4.5.6
- Fixed YouTube top navigation bar frosted layer
- Fixed YouTube tag
- Translation update
14 September 2023 v4.4.3.0
- Support Manifest V3 technology
- It uses now the Manifest V3 technology for better Performance, Security, and Privacy
- Improved video detection
- Improved Night Mode engine
- Added option to dim the image in Night Mode
- Added Game Controller
- Removed Speech and Camera Motion
21 February 2021 v4.2.2.0
- Fixed YouTube logo is not visible on the YouTube home page website
- Compress all images to .webp files
- Cleanup not used images and @2x images
- Improvement Analytics in the Options page shows the value in Wh
- Improvement design of the lamp icons for Dark Mode
- Add test link for ‘Try this web page’
- Improvement requestVideoFrameCallback for more smooth in the atmosphere lighting effect using the vivid mode option
- Improvement PDF dark mode
- Instantly change options page to all open tabs
- + Fixed Night Mode did not automatically activate the dark theme
- Fixed Night Mode switch hidden when playing a video in full screen
- Fixed incorrect key event for the shortcut key
- Fixed dark layer added and removed instantly when using the shortcut key
- Improvement content security for the style attribute
- Translation update
- Improvement video detection
- Improvement Night Mode gesture
- + Fixed the saving issue in the Turn Off the Lights Options page for the following features: AutoPlay, AutoStop, AutoHD, AutoHDQuality, Block60FPS, NightModeSwitch, MouseVolumeScroll, and VideoToolbar
- Improvement video detection only on z-index position absolute/relative/static
- Add option for the Night mode switch automatically hide after 3 seconds no mouse movement
- Add the list of Active Permissions in the about page
- Improvement ARIA
- Add Omnibox launch functions
- Add search box
- Add Easter egg game
- Fixed context lost in eco.js
- Improvement content security policy CSP
- Add rate this extension panel
- Improvement Analytics kWh value up to 5 decimal
- Improvement performance video preview with atmosphere lighting effects in the options page
- Improvement Firefox browser theme when the is lights off
- Improvement for multiple Audio visualizations
- Add new user-gesture option to enable the Night Mode feature
- Add canvas low-latency rendering with the desynchronized
- Translation update
- Options page improvement
- Dailymotion video detection with substile
- Fixed video website support for Crunchyroll
- Improvement Night Mode option
- Fixed YouTube skipp button not visible
- Translation update
- Fixed general bug
- Fixed YouTube Night Mode
- Fixed unable to set property 'webkitBoxReflect' of undefined or null
- Fixed unable to show the Atmosphere Lighting on YouTube
- Fixed unable to set the style for the Night Mode switch
- Fixed the eco counter on how much energy saved
- Fixed the video toolbar style update
- Fixed the Atmosphere lighting position such as and YouTube
- Fixed the HTML5 video poster in the control menu
- Removed the old background code to convert to Chrome.local storage (99% of all the users is already updated to the new Chrome sync storage)
- Removed the Google Analytics script
- Fixed video player detection for Vimeo
- Added Passive Event Listeners to false for the mouse volume scroll
- Improved right clickmenu
- Translation update
- Translation update
- Fixed mouse volume scroll direction for Windows
- Fixed options page option text
- Improvement dynamic Night mode
- Translations update
- Fixed video detection
- Added autocleanup for eco saving
- Fixed syntax error
- Fixed mouse volume scroll
- Translation update
- Fixed CSS multi opacity in the Options page
- Fixed Night Mode toggle automatically off
- Improvement the autostop feature
- Improvement the Mouse Volume Scroll feature
- Refresh screen slider design and live update
- Option for each website his own opacity dark layer. You can control the backlighting or darkening of the background on different websites
- Options page in Material Design
- Options page in dark mode
- Fixed performance issue on Firefox web browser when the first options page have his new setting values
- Improvement Speech and Camera Motion feature
- Improvement performance Atmosphere Lighting, Dynamic Background by adding the Page visibility API
- night mode support ‘page level’
- All URL boxes support IP address (for whitelist/blacklist)
- Option show the volume value in the top left or top right
- Option to change the volume when using left/right click hold and move the mouse
- Option change volume by scrolling and with holding the alt key
- Turn Off the Lights Analytics page
- Added new double click menu - open new popup window met opacity slider and change atmosphere lighting colors
- Translate update
- Fixed YouTube Night Mode on the homepage
- Improvement saving the settings in Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera
- Translation Update
- Fixed YouTube AutoHD
- Fixed YouTube AutoHD embed player with cookies policy
- Fixed YouTube Like button
- Fixed YouTube subtitles
- Fixed YouTube “Half white-Half picture"
- Fixed YouTube new layout the Night Mode feature
- Fixed YouTube video detection
- Fixed Yahoo video player detection
- Translation update
- Improvement AutoStop feature and add 'Details' button for more information
- Fixed AutoStop feature CSS style
- Fixed AutoStop on
- Translation update
- Fixed autostop feature with a one click to play the HTML5 video
- Fixed video didn’t found on first launch
- Fixed YouTube new layout
- Fixed YouTube Options such as show the titel and like buttons
- Fixed YouTube Cards
- Fixed Night mode
- Fixed constants
- New option for Firefox to dims the workbar using the browser.theme.update API
- Fixed Mouse volume scroll
- Fixed YouTube atmosphere lighting is below search bar
- Fixed YouTube gaming website focus
- Fixed lamp icon design rainbow SVG
- Translation Update
- Fixed YouTube video player detection
- Fixed YouTube video player detection
- Translation update
- Fixed YouTube video detection
- Translation update
- Fixed choose default lamp icon
- Improvement Flash Detection
- Fixed background script
- Improvement autoplay feature can detects play/pause/stop button only actions
- Improvement performance atmosphere lighting
- Improvement z-index video detection
- Compatible with the new YouTube layout
- Improvement performance lamp and Atmosphere Lighting vividmode
- Add Video zoom feature
- Improvement Screen shader clickable links
- Fixed saving in the Turn Off the Lights Options page
- Fixed YouTube new layout
- Fixed YouTube video scroller
- Improvement video detection
- Update translation
- Fixed correct z-index level for the YouTube Cards
- Fixed Facebook video website
- Add support Serbia video website
- Fixed Facebook chat below the video player
- Translation update
- Fixed black layer on top of the YouTube video player
- Translation update
- All images in the options page are in retina ready
- Optimized loading retina icons in options page
- HTML5 volume mousewheel scroll with option to change the color, change the volume steps and show the volume label
- Translated the share text of Turn Off the Lights extension
- New popup window solve the lamp initialisation
- Choose browserAction lamp icon between gray, rose gold, white, gold and rainbow
- Fixed Right click menu show the lamp button
- New feature to show the Audio Visualator
- Improvement the speech feature
- Improvement the screensaver. Now it automatically undim when you move the mouse cursor
- Improvement the YouTube right click menu is visible
- Improvement the atmosphere lighting for multiple HTML5 video players
- Fixed Night Mode bug created by Firefox v46.0
- Fixed YouTube AutoHD bug created by Firefox v46.0
- Fixed ioService.newChannel on Firefox Developer Edition
- Fixed autoplay bug that dims the YouTube homepage
- Added Night Mode shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + N
- Fixed Night Mode switch in the CSS box-sizing:content-box
- Fixed Youtube Gaming video focus video player
- Fixed Dynamic Background Cloud in the options page
- Fixed Saving the YouTube AutoHD value
- Fixed YouTube annotation
- Fixed YouTube annotation
- Translation update
- Fixed YouTube playlist
- Translation update
- Fixed show the Facebook video control
- Fixed YouTube Gaming video player
- Added HTML5 color database
- Fixed remove light in Speech
- Fixed one frame YouTube 360
- Fixed https link
- Icon update
- Fixed detection extension
- Removed a debug log
- Fixed duplicate chrome.contextmenu
- Fixed the dynamic cloud background in the options page
- Fixed the dynamic background z-index level
- Fixed the YouTube 360° in one frame
- Fixed the Mouse action radio button not clickable in the Turn Off the Lights options page
- Added option to show a video toolbar this to edit the video filter (grayscale, sepia, invert, contrast, saturate, hue rotation, brightness)
- Added option to show a HTML5 video reflection
- Added support few Chinese video website embed
- Added support Apple Music embed
- Improvement Autoplay feature
- Improvement Night Mode on all websites
- Improvement welcome page
- Improvement
- Improve Flash Detection option
- Improve main.js version number detection
- Remove URL's in Options page
- Improve Flash Detection option
- Fixed YouTube black box
- Replace innerHTML by textContent
- Add removeEventListener in the options.html and main.js file
- Fixed YouTube HTML5 video player detection
- Fixed YouTube black box
- Improvement browser vendor in the options page
- Fixed the new YouTube player
- Fixed Tumblr's and Steam video control
- Fixed Atmosphere Lighting (hide the YouTube Cards)
- Fixed Night Mode
- Update translation
- Fixed YouTube debug window
- Fixed Flash Detection
- Fixed Night Mode on YouTube
- Update translation
- Fixed Eye Protection whitelist and blacklist
- Improvement in the Options page
- Translation Update
- Improvement in the Options page
- Translation Update
- Improvement Vivid Mode detection
- Fixed Turn Off the Lights lamp icon on Mac
- Peformance improvement on YouTube and HTML5 videos using
- Peformance improvement autoplay feature
- Fixed options page setting doesn't updated
- Fixed Turn Off the Lights options page didn't open
- Fixed option to automaticallty dims the web page on a not active tab
- Fixed blur on YouTube website
- Fixed autoplay on YouTube website HTML5 & Flash video
- Fixed security real atmosphere lighting feature in the options page
- Security improvement remove innerHML code
- Improvement in the options page
- Compress the options.css file
- Compress the light.css file
- Improvement Night Mode Google YouTube website
- Improvement Opacity slider
- Improvement Flash Detection
- Improvement button to do the lights off on all tab with 'master key tab' detection
- Improvement YouTube options
- Translation update
- Add option Night Mode switch transparent
- Add option to show the Night Mode only between a chosen time
- Add option to dims the web page and activate the Night Mode
- Add option to stop playing automatically the video on a HTML5 video and YouTube
- Add option eye protection black and whitelist
- Fixed vimeo video detection
- General bug fixed
- Translation Update
- Fixed vimeo video detection
- Improve video detection
- Fixed option page whitelist & blacklist
- Update translations
- Fixed YouTube AutoHD for HTML5 video
- Add a reset button, to reset the Turn Off the Lights settings
- Fixed easter eggs image
- 30% decreased code for YouTube
- issue 213: More fine-grained control options for automatically dimming background on playing video
- new share page
- new tab "Camera Motion", sweep your hand down to dim the page
- night mode button check if created
- Fixed automatic night mode without button
- Fixed dynamic space background hide suddenly when use a mouse action
- Add option for linear background
- Add option for speech recognition "turn off the lights", "turn on the lights", "play video" and "pause video"
- option page design
- moveable night mode switch
- Security improvement
- real "vivid" colors atmosphere lighting for YouTube, Fixed issue 4
- Fixed issue 220
- Fixed
- Add help page
- Sync settings - Enterprise policies for companies and school network
- whitelist blacklist autoplay feature
- Translation update