Changelog Microsoft Edge
9 February 2025 v4.5.7
- Fixed YouTube search panel
- Fixed YouTube top navigation bar frosted layer
- Fixed YouTube tag
- Translation update
28 July 2024 v4.4.10
- Fixed Twitter to X for the name and post action
- Fixed YouTube skip ads button visible on top of the video player
- Fixed YouTube video detection on the YouTube Channel home page to subscribe
- Translation update
- Fixed default value Atmosphere Lighting feature
- Fixed default value Night Mode
- Removed deprecated CSS webkit
- Fixed AutoDim feature
- Fixed context menu no show up on restart web browser
- Improvement the double click menu code
- Fixed YouTube Video in Full Screen window
- Fixed Atmopshere Lighting on YouTube
- Fixed YouTube Video in Full Screen window
- Fixed PiP Audio visualization
- Improvement Night Mode
- Use Manifest V3 technology
- Fixed YouTube logo is not visible on the YouTube home page website
- Compress all images to .webp files
- Cleanup not used images and @2x images
- Improvement Analytics in the Options page shows the value in Wh
- Improvement design of the lamp icons for Dark Mode
- Add test link for ‘Try this web page’
- Improvement requestVideoFrameCallback for more smooth in the atmosphere lighting effect using the vivid mode option
- Improvement PDF dark mode
- Instantly change options page to all open tabs
- + Fixed Night Mode did not automatically activate the dark theme
- Fixed Night Mode switch hidden when playing a video in full screen
- Fixed incorrect key event for the shortcut key
- Fixed dark layer added and removed instantly when using the shortcut key
- Improvement content security for the style attribute
- Improvement saving settings in the background page
- Translation update
- Fixed content script first default value was undefined
- Improvement saving settings in the background page
- Improvement video detection only on z-index position absolute/relative/static
- Add option for the Night mode switch automatically hide after 3 seconds no mouse movement
- Add the list of Active Permissions in the about page
- Improvement ARIA
- Add Omnibox launch functions
- Add search box
- Add Easter egg game
- Fixed context lost in eco.js
- Improvement content security policy CSP
- Add rate this extension panel
- Improvement Analytics kWh value up to 5 decimal
- Improvement performance video preview with atmosphere lighting effects in the options page
- Improvement Firefox browser theme when the is lights off
- Improvement for multiple Audio visualizations
- Add new user-gesture option to enable the Night Mode feature
- Add canvas low-latency rendering with the desynchronized
- Fixed YouTube Night Mode
- Fixed unable to set property 'webkitBoxReflect' of undefined or null
- Fixed unable to show the Atmosphere Lighting on YouTube
- Fixed unable to set the style for the Night Mode switch
- Fixed the eco counter on how much energy saved
- Fixed the video toolbar style update
- Fixed the Atmosphere lighting position such as and YouTube
- Fixed the HTML5 video poster in the control menu
- Removed the old background code to convert to Chrome.local storage (99% of all the users is already updated to the new Chrome sync storage)
- Removed the Google Analytics script
- Fixed video player detection for Vimeo
- Added Passive Event Listeners to false for the mouse volume scroll
- Fixed Edge extension engine (revert back to previous version - Microsoft Edge code issue)
- Fixed syntax error
- Fixed mouse volume scroll
- Translation update
- Fixed atmosphere lighting in full screen mode
- Improve Speech Recognition feature
- Improve Camera Motion feature
- Fixed CSS multi opacity in the Options page
- Fixed Video Toolbar
- Fixed Night Mode toggle automatically off
- Improvement the autostop feature
- Improvement the Mouse Volume Scroll feature
- Refresh screen slider design and live update
- Option for each website his own opacity dark layer. You can control the backlighting or darkening of the background on different websites
- Options page in Material Design
- Options page in dark mode
- Fixed performance issue on Firefox web browser when the first options page have his new setting values
- Improvement Speech and Camera Motion feature
- Improvement performance Atmosphere Lighting, Dynamic Background by adding the Page visibility API
- night mode support ‘page level’
- All URL boxes support IP address (for whitelist/blacklist)
- Option show the volume value in the top left or top right
- Option to change the volume when using left/right click hold and move the mouse
- Option change volume by scrolling and with holding the alt key
- Turn Off the Lights Analytics page
- Added new double click menu - open new popup window met opacity slider and change atmosphere lighting colors
- Fixed Edge extension engine (revert back to previous version - Microsoft Edge code issue)
- Fixed YouTube new layout
- Improvement Edge extension engine for the Windows 10 Fall update
- Translation update
- Fixed background script doesn't save the settings correct
- Fixed context menu actions such as "tell a friend", "support", etc doesn't work
- Fixed YouTube video player detection
- Option to change the title color
- Translation update
- Translation update - Fixed the Windows Store issue
- Improvement transform z-index
- Improvement autostop on iframe elements
- Fixed YouTube video detection
- Fixed choose default lamp icon
- Fixed the pseudo ::before and ::after detection
- Fixed first run date
- Fixed lamp button icon
- Improvement video detection
- Option Atmosphere Lighting effect only visible if the TOtL mode is enabled
- Fixed scroll video speed toolbar
- Fixed full screen video in a tab, both toolbar visible
- Fixed full screen button show toolbar always on top
- Improvement Reminder page
- Translation Update Arabic
- Add toolbar for video playback control -2 -1.5 -1.25 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 +0.25 +0.5 +0.75 +1 +1.25 +1.5 +2
- Improvement Full Screen detection stop the atmosphere lighting position calculation
- Add option to default video playback
- Improvement autostop
- Fixed body border
- Improvement Atmosphere Lighting Vivid Mode
- Improvement browser lamp icon
- Improvement design in the Options page
- Removed beta label in the Options page
- Improvement performance of removing the dark layer
- Improvement detection Shadow DOM
- Fixed edit mode YouTube End Screen & Annotations
- Translation update
- Fixed the correct direction in the mouse volume scroll
- Improvement video detection double check code
- Improvement context menu
- Improvement YouTube 360 video
- Improvement Flash Detection
- Fixed background script
- Improvement autoplay feature can detects play/pause/stop button only actions
- Improvement performance atmosphere lighting
- Improvement z-index video detection
- Compatible with the new YouTube layout
- Improvement performance lamp and Atmosphere Lighting vividmode
- Add Video zoom feature
- Improvement Screen shader clickable links
- Improvement content script
- Improvement readerbar
- Improvement autoplay
- Improvement Dynamic Background
- Fixed Video Screenshot Capture
- Improvement z-index layer
- Added FPS performance setting for the Atmosphere Lighting Vivid Mode
- Removed the opacity value for performance improvement Atmosphere Lighting Vivid Mode
- Improvement Autoplay feature
- Fixed autoplay function
- Fixed Turn Off the Lights button to support
- Fixed flash detecion and auto z-index remove function
- Fixed z-index atmos vivid
- Improvement performance vivid mode
- Improvement YouTube Autostop
- Improvement Autoplay
- Translation update
- Fixed Options page 16px size
- Options page Reminder page number
- Fixed video toolbar was not always visible
- Add option to choose the color of the video toolbar
- Improvement URL validation in the Options page
- Improvement atmosphere lighting vivid mode for all HTML5 videos
- Improvement atmosphere lighting vivid mode example in the Options page
- Add option to capture a screenshot from the HTML5 video player
- Add option to automatically dims the web page when hover inside a HTML5 video player
- Fixed tabs.executeScript: Cannot access a chrome:// URL on Eye Saver feature
- Improvement Facebook video detection
- Improvement the video detection
- Improvement Friendly Reminder page
- Improvement the "injected.js" code to the "video-player-status.js"
- Improvement performance Atmosphere Lighting
- Improvement lights on/off with classname for video elements
- Improvement lamp setting in the options page
- Improvement audio visualization first time show up
- Fixed Night Mode switch was not always visible on page load
- Add option screen shader
- Improvement autostop HTML5 video
- Fixed color dialog didn't show up in the Options page
- Fixed YouTube layout
- Fixed YouTube scrolling preview in the video
- Fixed YouTube nerd statics
- Fixed background page
- Improve video player detection
- Translation update
- Fixed YouTube layout
- Fixed crash issue
- Improvement in the Night Mode feature on Google
- Fixed Vimeo video detection
- Fixed YouTube new layout
- Fixed General video detection
- Fixed black layer on top of the YouTube video player
- Translation update
- All images in the options page are in retina ready
- Fixed the Flash Detection feature
- Add support for Facebook embedded player, video sites
- Add support for YouTube HD for embedded player
- Translation update
- Fixed YouTube new design layout
- All images in the options page are in retina ready
- Optimized loading retina icons in options page
- HTML5 volume mousewheel scroll with option to change the color, change the volume steps and show the volume label
- Translated the share text of Turn Off the Lights extension
- New popup window solve the lamp initialisation
- Choose browserAction lamp icon between gray, rose gold, white, gold and rainbow
- Fixed Right click menu show the lamp button
- New feature to show the Audio Visualator
- Improvement the speech feature
- Improvement the screensaver. Now it automatically undim when you move the mouse cursor
- Improvement the YouTube right click menu is visible
- Improvement the atmosphere lighting for multiple HTML5 video players
- First public release of Preview. Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension version