Please use and enjoy it, and if you can make a donation of any amount, we'd appreciate it immensely

Official Turn Off the Lights Blog

Turn Off the Lights for Microsoft Edge is Finally Available

Turn Off the Lights for Microsoft Edge is online since 21 March 2016 as a PREVIEW. You can test and experience the extension on your Edge web browser if you are a Windows Insider user.

Now is it the finally the day, we are happy to announce that the Turn Off the Lights for Microsoft Edge is now publicly available in the Windows Store. You can install the extension if you are using Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher.

Turn Off the Lights for Microsoft Edge

It’s got all the latest features from the Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension v3.3. The most noteworthy is the option to change the default gray lamp button to your own favorite lamp. You as a user can choose between the Gold, Rose Gold, Rainbow. And there is an option to get the white lamp button if you are using the dark theme in Edge.

Of course you can also use the Atmosphere Lighting feature, that shows you a realistic and vivid color effect that match with the video content.

 Turn Off the Lights for Microsoft Edge Atmosphere Lighting feature on YouTube
 Turn Off the Lights for Microsoft Edge Cinema Background on YouTube

And if you don’t like the default transparent black layer behind the video player, you can change the style in the Turn Off the Lights options page. From there you can choose between five standard backgrounds.

Most of all you can use and enjoy more advanced features to get a great online video experience. Such as the possibility to add a filter on top of the video content, force YouTube play the highest video quality (720p, 1080p, 4K or higher). Or change the volume of this video player by scrolling with your mouse.

Do you like the Turn Off the Lights for Microsoft Edge? If yes, please if you can make a donation of any amount, we’d appreciate it immensely! Else this project was not possible with your support.

If you love this update you can Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter. And you’ll be part of the world’s most inspired community.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

The most powerful video customization tool ever for YouTube with Audio Visualization

Turn Off the Lights extension v3.3 is now online! It’s the most powerful video customization tool ever for YouTube and for all HTML5 videos. It’s the best Turn Off the Lights update that we ever published for all web browsers.

Toolbar inside the <video> player

It’s annoying to get an extra toolbar below the current video player such as on the YouTube website. The “Video Toolbar” option adds a toolbar inside the video player, and it will be only visible when you move your mouse inside the video content. It’s the only and the best way to get a great online video experience in a web browser.

You have more control than ever before in the Turn Off the Lights browser extension. Here is an overview of what’s new:

  • There is an option to enable the mouse volume scroll. This provides you a quick and easy way to control the sound volume on your HTML5 video player. Simply by rolling the wheel of your wheel mouse.
  • Another feature is a one-click to enable the loop for that video player, to play your favorite video over and over.
  • Also, you can add a filter to makes the video lighter or darker on all HTML5 videos.
  • The last button right of the video toolbar brings the whole video to full screen within your browser window.
Turn Off the Lights extension video toolbar

Audio Visualization

Visualizations are those graphic effects that are animated based on audio. It’s a very unique and new entertainment feature that is available in the Turn Off the Lights v3.3 browser extension. So with one click on the “motor wicks” icon, lets you easily add the audio visualization effects for that video player.

Choose your Lamp

Turn Off the Lights is an open-source project and one of the feedback that we get from our users is to add an option to change the color of the lamp icon. So that the color matches his web browser theme. Now you can choose your favorite lamp button, as a result, you can choose between the default gray, white, gold, rose gold, and the rainbow version of our lamp icon.
Browser lamp gray gold rose rainbow white

It is one of our exciting updates this year for the Turn Off the Lights browser extension. Finally, please don’t forget to share this news with your friends. And if you can make a small donation to keep this project alive we appreciate it immensely.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

From Firefox XUL to WebExtensions

Since the release of our first Turn Off the Lights XUL add-on, we have seen that writing an add-on on that platform has been very difficult than all the other web browsers. There is a lot of sandboxes that must be done, and a different kind of communication from the JavaScript to the background page. While converting a feature from the Google Chrome extension to Firefox takes few more extra hours.
Today we are happy to announce that all Firefox users can download the latest Turn Off the Lights WebExtensions. This extension is available for the Firefox web browser v49 beta or higher.

What’s new in this WebExtensions version?

The biggest change you will see is that the gray lamp button is now in the address bar of your Firefox web browser. And that you get the best performance in your web browser (know as the label, no-restart in the Firefox add-on gallery). Turn Off the Lights Firefox extension v3.2.0.15 is fully compatible with the Firefox multiprocess.

Turn Off the Lights Firefox WebExtensions

Future developments

The most popular web browser share today the same extension API such as Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex, and Microsoft Edge. Because the universal API is very easy and fast to fix a small bug. And developing the next big update smoother and faster than ever before. We only need to update our core Chrome extension files and copy and paste this into the correct folder. Such as the ‘lights.js‘, ‘content.js‘, and ‘options.js‘ files for the other web browser platform.

There are more things coming very soon this year. We can’t wait to show it to you. And would thank everyone for their awesome feedback on the Turn Off the Lights support form! You can always support our work by translating our Turn Off the Lights project. Or by making a small donation to keep this project alive.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme